Imbewu Science Foundation

Imbewu Science Foundation


We offer an Integrated Pathway to Science Excellence where we have an outreach programmes to Gr 5 & 6 learners, establish science clubs in communities from Gr 7-11 and offer science fairs and other STEMI challenges to high school learners. We provide industry the opportunity to connect with and mentor our future scientists.

Entry requirements

Schools can contact us for our outreach programmes throughout the year while schools and individuals can enter the Northern Gauteng and Northern Cape Science Fairs held in August each year.


IMBEWU Science Foundation


Learners in Gr 5 and 6 learn to apply the scientific method in hands-on science experiments, while Gr 7-11 in the science clubs learn more in customised STEMI curricula. The Science Fairs give learners the opportunity to compete on a regional and national level with their peers. The best projects are given the opportunity to compete internationally.


Grade 5-11 learners from schools based in South Africa.

How it works

The outreach programme: Contact us to hold a series of workshops in your school to Gr 5 & 6 where they will learn to conduct simple hands-on science experiments using the Scientific Methods. A school show-and-tell competition is then held where the kids with the best projects compete with other schools in the same region. Gr 7 -11 learners contact us to start a new science club in their community, or work with an existing science club which will run STEMI projects. There we identify individuals and small groups to mentor and help them to develop their passion in STEMI, compete in provincial science fairs and expose them to relevant careers. They can also compete in national and international competitions with the mentoring of academics and experts from the industry.


Outreach programmes are sponsored, while the provincial, national and international science competitions might have an associated cost of between R50 – R100 entry fee. However, we aim to sponsor worthy candidates.


Exposure to mentors, while certificates and medals are handed at the science fairs.

Competition timelines

The school science fairs take place throughout the year, while the regional science fairs usually take place in August. The national competition takes place in October of each year.

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